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Title [Call for Application] 2022-2nd Semester Higher Education for ASEAN Talents (HEAT): Scholarship Opportunity for ASEAN Faculty Members in the Republic of Korea
Author 관리자
Date 2022-01-05 Views 942968

HEAT: Scholarship for ASEAN Faculty Members

Korean Council for University Education (KCUE) is launching a new scholarship entitled “Higher Education for ASEAN talents (HEAT): Scholarship Opportunity for ASEAN Faculty Members in the Republic of Korea”. The purpose of this program is to invite faculty members from ASEAN higher education institutions to support their acquisition of a doctoral degree in Korea with the aim to enhance their expertise and promote people-to-people exchanges between Korea and ASEAN.


Year 2022: 40 candidates

* Country Quota and University Quota may vary depending on the application result.


Scholarship Period

3 years (September, 2022 ~ August, 2025)



Roundtrip travel (one time only): Round-trip economy class flight ticket

Monthly Allowance: 1,100 USD per month

Relocation (Settlement) Allowance (one time only): 300 USD upon arrival

Tuition: All admission fees are waived by the host institution

Dissertation Printing Costs: 400~600 USD, depending on the actual cost

Language Training Costs and Medical Insurance: the amount coverage or benefits will vary depending on each university

Others: Various incidental allowances depend on each university

All grants will be paid in KRW, and amounts may vary depending on the exchange rate.


KCUE Requirements

Applicants with ASEAN citizenship

Applicants who are academic faculty members at 4-year college/university* in their home country

(*Higher Education institution offering bachelor’s degree or equivalent courses)

Applicants whose highest educational attainment is a master’s degree or its equivalent.

Applicants who are in good health both physically and mentally to allow them to pursue their studies while residing in Korea over the long term.

Applicants who have discussed an academic leave of absence with the university they belong to and how to contribute to their school after their return.

Applicants who are younger than 45 years old on the day that the doctoral program starts (i.e. September 1, 2022).

Applicants who have a sufficient level of proficiency in Korean or English.

Applicants who meet each university’s additional requirements.


Place of Submission : University Admission’s Office

* Applicants are to submit applications by airmail or online to one of the six designated universities directly. For further information, please check Attachments.


Deadline of Submission

University (Application LInks)

Deadline of Submission

Chung-Ang University


Ewha Womans Univeristy


Jeonbuk National University

2022.03.14 ~ 2022.03.25

Kangwon National University

2022.03.02 ~ 2022.03.11

Korea University

2022.03.07 ~ 2022.03.25

Kyung Hee University




Required documents




Original Certificate of Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree and each Transcript

Certificate of Employment

Applicant’s Proof of Citizenship Documents

* Universities’ additional requirement: please refer to Attachment




Application Submission: September, 2021 ~ November, 2021

1st Round of Selection: November / 2nd Round of Selection: December, 2021

Announcement of 2022-1st Semester HEAT Scholars: January, 2022 (notification by the universities)

Applying for Korea VISA: February, 2022

Entry into Korea: varies depending on university

Course Start Date: varies depending on university

